§ 121-327. Signs which do not require a sign permit.  

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  • The following signs are permitted in all zoning districts and without limitations on the number of signs, except where noted, for the following uses and purposes without the need for a sign permit.


    Permanent signs.


    Memorial signs.


    Traffic and municipal signs authorized by the village.


    Residential nameplates not exceeding six square feet in gross surface area.


    Professional and occupational nameplates attached to a building not exceeding six square feet in gross surface area for individuals and 20 square feet for multiple listings.


    Driveway traffic signs; provided that:


    No more than one ground sign shall be permitted for each driveway;


    Signs shall be no higher than five feet;


    Signs shall not exceed six square feet in gross surface area; and


    Signs shall not contain any commercial message or logo.


    Menu board signs, provided that:


    No more than two menu board signs per building either as a wall sign or ground sign.


    As a ground sign the menu board shall be single-faced and be no more than 32 square feet in gross surface area and eight feet in height. The menu board sign shall be located in the rear or side yard.


    As a wall sign the menu board may be located on any building elevation and shall be no more than ten square feet in gross surface area.


    On-site operational signs, beyond driveway traffic signs, needed to control traffic, private property, trespassing, parking, access, shipping, receiving, ATM, etc. but not including any commercial message or logo, are allowed so long as the sign is not over six square feet in gross surface area and five feet in height if a ground sign.


    Neon window signs, provided that:


    There shall be no more than two signs per elevation.


    The sign does not exceed 300 square inches in size or 50 percent of the window area, whichever is less.


    Neon signs shall emit a steady light with no blinking, flashing, strobe or other light animation and only be illuminated during business hours.


    Temporary signs.


    Temporary emergency or warning signs to protect the health and safety of the general public. Such signs shall be removed at a point when the threat to the public ceases.


    Traffic and municipal signs authorized by the village.


    Temporary political signs on residential property; provided that:


    This subsection adopts the definitions of "election campaign period," "political message" and "residential property" provided in Wis. Stats. § 12.04(1);


    Any individual may place a sign containing a political message upon a residential property owned or occupied by that individual during an election campaign period, except as provided in Wis. Stats. §§ 12.03 and 12.035;


    Such signs shall be no more than 12 square feet in area, except for those affixed to a permanent structure, which are not to be extended beyond the perimeter of the structure, nor obstructing any window, door, fire escape, ventilation shaft, or other area which is required by an applicable building code to remain unobstructed;


    Such signs shall not be posted on any public right-of-way or grounds that are owned, operated or maintained by any public agency or private utility, and no person shall place a sign upon any building, wall, fence, or other property of another without written permission;


    Such signs shall not obstruct traffic or pedestrian safety;


    Such signs shall not be illuminated;


    Such signs shall not be posted prior to the election campaign period as defined by Wis. Stats. § 12.04(3) and shall be removed within 30 days after the election campaign period.


    Temporary political signs on nonresidential property; provided that:


    Such signs shall meet the guidelines established in section 121-326 of this Code, or in the alternative the requirements for political signs on residential property under subsection 121-327(2)c;


    Such signs shall not be posted on any public right-of-way or grounds that are owned, operated or maintained by any public agency or private utility;


    No person shall place such sign upon any building, wall, fence, or other property of another without written permission;


    Such signs shall not obstruct traffic or pedestrian safety;


    Such signs shall not be posted prior to the election campaign period as defined by Wis. Stats. § 12.04(3) and shall be removed within 30 days after the election campaign period.


    Temporary real estate signs; provided that:


    There shall not be more than one real estate sign for each property, except where a property abuts two or more streets, in which case an additional sign may be allowed if located on a separate abutting street frontage;


    No sign shall be more than 12 square feet in gross surface area for multiple and single-family residential property and 50 square feet in gross surface area for all other property and a maximum of eight feet in height;


    Such signs shall be setback a minimum of five feet from any lot line;


    Such signs shall be removed within 30 days of the sale, rental or lease;


    Such signs may not be displayed for a period longer than 180 consecutive days; and


    Illumination of a temporary real estate sign is not allowed.


    Temporary construction signs; provided that:


    There shall not be more than one temporary construction sign for each project or development, except where a project or development abuts two or more streets, in which case an additional sign may be allowed if located on a separate abutting street frontage;


    No sign shall be more than 50 square feet in gross surface area and a maximum of eight feet in height;


    Such signs shall be setback a minimum of five feet from any lot line;


    Such signs shall be located only upon the premises where construction either is occurring or about to occur. Such signs shall be permitted 30 days prior to the commencement of construction and shall be removed within 30 days of the completion of construction; and


    Illumination of a temporary construction sign is not allowed.


    Temporary residential sale signs; provided that:


    Such signs shall not be attached or placed on any building, structure, tree, public right-of-way or grounds that are owned, operated or maintained by any public agency or private utility; and no person shall place any notice upon any building, wall, fence, or other property of another person without written permission;


    No sign shall be more than ten square feet in gross surface area and a maximum of five feet in height;


    Such signs shall be setback a minimum of five feet from any lot line;


    Such signs are not allowed on commercial property;


    The maximum time limit for all residential sale signs is three consecutive days and nine cumulative days in a one-year period;


    Illumination of a temporary residential sale sign is not allowed; and


    Any residential sale sign that does not adhere to the provisions herein shall be considered in violation and declared to be a nuisance. Reasonable efforts shall be made to contact the owner of the sign. If the owner of the sign is contacted, such owner shall remove the sign immediately. If contact with the sign owner is unsuccessful, the sign shall be removed and held by the enforcement authority for a period of 72 hours, after which it shall be disposed.


    Temporary window signs; provided that:


    Such signs may not cover more than 50 percent of the area of the windows to which the sign is affixed. If placed on a window with permanent window signs, the total covered area may not exceed 50 percent;


    Such signs are not permitted in residential zoning districts, except if the temporary window sign is also a temporary political sign;


    Such signs shall not be displayed for a period exceeding 30 consecutive days and no more than 120 days in a calendar year; and


    Illumination of a temporary window sign is not allowed.

(Ord. No. 06-04, § 1(8-8.07), 3-20-2006; Ord. No. 15-17, § I, 9-21-2015)