§ 2-346. Political activity.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    No appointive official or employee in the administrative service shall use the prestige of his position in behalf of any political party. No appointive official or employee in the administrative service shall orally, by letter, or otherwise solicit or be in any manner concerned in soliciting any assessment, subscription or contribution to any political party, nor officials and employees shall not take an active part in political campaigns for candidates. No official or employee, whether elected or appointed, shall promise an appointment to any municipal position as a reward for any political activity.


    No person who is an employee or an appointive officer of the village shall at any time seek or accept nomination, appointment or election to any elective position without first having resigned or obtained a leave of absence from his employment or office with the village. This does not include any members of a board, committee or commission.


    No person who is an employee or an appointive officer of the village shall at any time serve as an official, functionary or committee member of any political party, group, committee, or voluntary organization, seek signatures to any petition or nomination paper provided for by law, or act as a worker at the polls or display or distribute campaign literature or material favoring or opposing any candidate for village office.


    No person who is an employee or an appointive officer of the village shall, during the hours of his employment by or service to the village, publicize, endorse or oppose any candidate seeking political office.


    There shall be no restrictions on any nonelective village employee or officer in the following specific areas:


    Exercise of his right as a citizen to cast a ballot.


    Discussion, in private, of his views as a citizen.


    Attendance, in a nonparticipating capacity, of political meetings, session or functions.


    Membership in and/or monetary contribution to a legally recognized political party, committee, group or voluntary organization, except regarding a village political organization or group.


    Sign nomination papers.


    Any violation of this section will be cause for warning, disciplinary action and/or discharge in accordance with the following procedure:


    There may be a warning in writing from the village manager to discontinue the prohibitive activity, or there may be warning to the village manager by the village president, with approval of the village board, should the village manager be deemed the offending employee.


    There may be disciplinary action, including suspension, ordered by the village manager or by the village board if the village manager be deemed the offending officer.


    There may be a discharge of the offending employee or officer by the village manager; or discharge of the village manager by the village board if the village manager be deemed the offending officer, subject to such regulations as are imposed by statute.


    Any disciplinary action against personnel of the police department shall be in accordance with the procedure set forth in Wis. Stats. § 62.13.


    In the absence of action by the village manager against a violator of this section, the village president or the village board, or a member of the village board, may initiate action by the village board to suspend, discharge, or otherwise discipline any offending employee or appointive officer subject to all regulations imposed by statute.


    Any employee or officer so reprimanded, suspended or dismissed shall have the right of appeal to the village board of trustees acting as a committee of whole.


    Said employee or officer shall request a hearing in writing to the clerk of the village board within 30 days after said reprimand or dismissal. Said village board shall hold such hearing within ten days after the employee or officer submits such request in writing.


    Failure to an employee or officer to request such hearing within the time limit specified relinquishes his right of appeal to a hearing on the action of reprimand, suspension or dismissal.


    Upon appeal, the village board shall have the right to affirm, reverse or modify the disciplinary action taken administratively.


    The right of appeal for personnel of the police department shall be that provided in Wis. Stats. § 62.13, rather than the right of appeal provided by this section.

(Prior Code, § 4-1.07)